illustration of parents, child, and dog with balloons

What is MIECHV?

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) provides MIECHV funds to Kansas Department of Health and Environment to support evidence-based (or promising approach) home visiting programs. Grantees are required to use evidence-based home visiting models or promising approach practices and establish quantifiable, measurable benchmarks that demonstrate improvements in:

  • Maternal and child health
  • Childhood injury prevention
  • School readiness and achievement
  • Crime or domestic violence prevention/intervention
  • Family economic self-sufficiency, and coordination with community resources and support
Take MIECHV Intro Module

Who is involved in
Kansas MIECHV?

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) leads the MIECHV program in Kansas. They provide administrative support to LIAs who provide MIECHV services in their community.

Local implementing agencies (LIA) provide home visiting services to families in counties with MIECHV funding.

The University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research provides support for the MIECHV program by providing continuous state evaluation (CSE), data support (DAISEY), and professional development technical support (the Kansas home visiting LMS).

The University of Kansas Juniper Gardens Children's Project provides continuous quality improvement support to the LIAs.

Illustration of people looking at a team website
illustration of instruction manual

Kansas MIECHV Operations Manual

The Kansas MIECHV Operations Manual is a guide for local implementing agencies (LIAs) that serve MIECHV populations. Home visitors and supervisors should be familiar with the manual to understand the operations and expectations of the Kansas MIECHV program.

What you can expect to find in the Kansas MIECHV Operations Manual:

  • Overview and background of Kansas MIECHV
  • Program expectations and requirements
  • Data collection requirements
  • Financial procedures and expectations
  • Policies and procedures
MIECHV Operations Manual