illustration of person sitting on a checklist holding a large pencil

Home Visitor Training Plan

Thank you for choosing to spend your time and effort helping to support Kansas families! The tools in this tailored training plan will help you navigate your home visiting career and provide a strong foundation of knowledge, skills, and a readiness to partner with families effectively.

The development of the home visitor training plan is a part of the 2024 CQI project. This training will be updated to meet the needs of Kansas MIECHV home visitors.

Getting Started

Start with or brush up on the basics of Kansas MIECHV home visiting.

Introduction to MIECHV

Kansas MIECHV Operations Manual

Read the Kansas MIECHV Operations Manual. This manual is also available in the "Quick Links" section at the bottom of most of the pages on this site.

Home visitors should be familiar with the manual to understand expectations and their role within the Kansas MIECHV program.



DAISEY is the system of record for Kansas MIECHV where all LIAs are expected to track program progress such as capacity, benchmarks, and priority population demographics. Home visitors are expected to understand how their LIA uses DAISEY to meeting reporting requirement.

To get started with DAISEY:


Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS) is a communication tool to support best practices in social service referral and coordination among community partners. Kansas MIECHV utilizes IRIS to make, receive, track, and respond to referrals for coordinated intake. IRIS is also used to coordinate referrals with other service providers in the community.

Home visitors should discuss how their program uses IRIS to track coordinated intake and referrals with their supervisor.

Quality Improvement

Introduction to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is a systematic approach to examining program processes and improving family outcomes through regular data collection and the use of change strategies. CQI is a continuous and ongoing effort focused on promoting a culture of quality.

Learn more with the CQI 101 introduction modules:


Introduction to Coordinated State Evaluation

Our Kansas MIECHV Evaluation is a Coordinated State Evaluation (CSE) which convenes multiple states focusing on the same evaluation topic monthly to collaborate and learn from each other throughout the evaluation process. We also engage home visitors and supervisors throughout the evaluation process to ensure we focus on the right topics, measure the right things, and interpret results correctly.

2020 Needs Assessment
The state home visiting team gathered information from key stakeholders in Kansas Home Visiting to conduct a statewide needs assessment.

The 2020 Kansas MIECHV Statewide Needs Assessment details how this evaluation effort is used for decision-making for home visiting programs in Kansas.

Kansas Home Visiting LMS

Navigating the Kansas LMS

Supervisor Training Plan